WWIM : Kaushik. B.P.


Record ID
Data No 0640
Text WWIM02
page 063
C or H H
Musician ID 0759
Musician ID 2
Full name Kaushik. B.P.
Religion H
Gender M
Date of birth described 1923
Year of Birth 1923
City of residence Jullundur, Punjab
State of residence PB
gharana Agra
Institute AIR
Academic career M.A.
Sangeet Praveen
Experience abroad
Notes in the text Also plays Sitar, Violin.
Research: Poets of Braj Bhasa and Their countribution.
Formerly, Principal, Sangeet Samaj, Music College, Meerut (U.P.) 1947-58
Recordings Y
guru S.N. Ratanjankar
G.N. Natu
Khursheed Ali Khan
D.T. Joshi
G.N. Goswami
Personal ID P00942
Vocal khyal
WWIM ID 2088