WWIM : Das, Lakshahira(Chanu)


Record ID
Data No 0294
Text WWIM02
page 029
C or H H
Musician ID 0363
Musician ID 2 A
Full name Das, Lakshahira(Chanu)
Religion H
Gender M
Date of birth described 2-2-1933
Year of Birth 1933
City of residence Assam
State of residence AS
Institute Colg.
Academic career B.A.
Publications Sursetu, Mayur Pankhi, Prathama
Experience abroad
Notes in the text Assamese
Vocalist: Modern songs and Bargit.
Recordings Y
guru Ramchandra Patwardhan
Dyal Ch. Sutradhar.
Personal ID P00579
Vocal 1 Others
Vocal 2
Vocal 3
Instrument 1
Instrument 2
Instrument 3
WWIM ID 1742