WWIM : Chaliha, Padmadhar (Fulanir Mali)
Record ID | |
Data No | 0156 |
Text | WWIM01 |
page | 012 |
C or H |
O |
Musician ID | 0272 |
Musician ID 2 | A |
Full name | Chaliha, Padmadhar (Fulanir Mali) |
Religion |
H |
Gender |
M |
Date of birth described | Octorber, 1895 |
Year of Birth | 1895 |
City of residence | Assam |
State of residence | AS |
Cast | |
gharana | |
Institute | Colg. |
Academic career |
M.A. B.L. |
Publications |
Fulani Giti Lohari, Swaraj Sangeet |
Experience abroad | |
Notes in the text |
Vocalist, Borbeet, Biyanam, Ainam, Bihugeet. Also plays Harmonium, Esraj. |
Recordings | |
Awards | |
guru | Lakshmiram Borooah |
Personal ID | P00497 |
Vocal | vocal |
Instrument | |
WWIM ID | 0156 |