WWIM : Bhatt, Preeti Ravi Shankar
Record ID | |
Data No | 0159 |
Text | WWIM02 |
page | 016 |
C or H |
H |
Musician ID | 0199 |
Musician ID 2 | A |
Full name | Bhatt, Preeti Ravi Shankar |
Religion |
H |
Gender |
F |
Date of birth described | 29-10-1940 |
Year of Birth | 1940 |
City of residence | 記載なし |
State of residence | 記載なし |
Cast | |
gharana | Bhendi bazar |
Institute | |
Academic career |
M.A.(Music) Sangeet Visharad |
Publications | |
Experience abroad | Thailand, Malaysia, Ceylon, Singapore. |
Notes in the text | Research: the Musical forms in Gujarati Devotional Music, S.N.D.T. University Bombay; Ewail House, Bruce Street, Bombay-1. |
Recordings | |
Awards | |
guru | Ramesh Nadkarni |
Personal ID | P00428 |
Vocal | khyal |
Instrument | |
WWIM ID | 1607 |