WWIM : Banerjee, Ramesh Chandra


Record ID
Data No 0096
Text WWIM01
page 007
H / C H
Musician ID 0152
Musician ID 2 A
Name Banerjee, Ramesh Chandra
Religion H
Gender M
Date of birth described 10-8-1905
Year of Birth 1905
City of residence Calcutta
State of residence WB
gharana Gourhari Bani ,
Institute Univ.
Academic career B.A.
Sangeet Ratnakar
Publications Histary of Vishnupur, Gopeswar Gitika.
Experience abroad
Notes in the text Rabindra sangeet.

research: Evolution of Classical Music in Bengal,Classical Compossitions of Rabindranath.
Recordings Y
guru Gopeswar Banerjee
Personal ID P00383
Vocal khyal
WWIM ID 0096