OEMI : Gundo-bua Ingle
IDIM Personal ID
Personal ID |
OEMI DB Record
name | Gundo-bua Ingle |
OEMI ID | OEMI0759 |
page | 389 |
place | Maharashtra |
year of birth | 0.1876 |
date of birth | |
year of death | 0.1925 |
date of death | |
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century | 19-20 |
birth place | Aundh |
place of death | Sangi, Maharashtra |
profession | vocalist, |
explanation about profession | Vocalist in the durbar of Aundh, a small princely state in Maharashtra |
gharana | Gwalior gharaanaa,durbar of Aundh |
guru | Balkrishna-bua Ichalkaranjikar |
music field |