OEMI : Vedantam Prahlada Sarma
IDIM Personal ID
Personal ID |
OEMI DB Record
name | Vedantam Prahlada Sarma |
OEMI ID | OEMI2177 |
page | 1119 |
place | |
year of birth | 1923 |
date of birth | |
year of death | |
date of death | |
photo | |
century | 20- |
birth place | Kuchipudi village, Andhra |
place of death | |
profession | |
explanation about profession | Noted Kuuchipuudi dancer and teacher |
gharana | |
guru | his father Rattayya Sarma and two other gurus Lakshmi Narayana Sastri and Vempati Venkata Narayana |
music field |