OEMI : Ibomcha Sharma
IDIM Personal ID
Personal ID |
OEMI DB Record
name | Ibomcha Sharma |
OEMI ID | OEMI0851 |
page | 438 |
place | Manipur |
year of birth | 1897 |
date of birth | 0101 |
year of death | |
date of death | |
photo | |
century | 19-20 |
birth place | Imphal, Manipur |
place of death | ? |
profession | |
explanation about profession | Veteran teacher of Manipuri nata sankeertana |
gharana | |
guru | Chongtham Chaoba, Nongmaithem Kanhai Singh, Laisram Mangaljao Singh, Thokcho Angou Singh, Loitam Jhulon |
music field | Manipuri nata sankeertana |