OEMI : Chambai Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar
IDIM Personal ID
Personal ID | P00018 |
OEMI DB Record
name | Chambai Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar |
OEMI ID | OEMI0452 |
page | 227228 |
place | |
year of birth | 1896 |
date of birth | 0830 |
year of death | 1974 |
date of death | 1016 |
photo | |
century | 19-20 |
birth place | Chembai village, Palghat district, Kerala |
place of death | Chembai village |
profession | vocalist |
explanation about profession | Eminent vocalist |
gharana | |
guru | his vocalist-father Anantha Bhagavatar, Dakshina Moorthy Pillai |
music field |