OEMI : Ali Bakhsh (Khyal)
IDIM Personal ID
Personal ID |
OEMI DB Record
name | Ali Bakhsh (Khyal) |
OEMI ID | OEMI0075 |
page | 3738 |
place | Rajasthan |
year of birth | 1864 |
date of birth | ? |
year of death | 1902 |
date of death | ? |
photo | |
century | 19-20 |
birth place | Mandawar, in the former state of Alwar, Rajasthan |
place of death | Mandawar |
profession | writer |
explanation about profession | Writer of khyaals, a form of folk opera of Rajasthan |
gharana | |
guru | |
music field | khyaals, a form of folk opera of Rajasthan |